Acai Berry Drink, Acai Energy Drink, Sambazon Acai Drinks

In our view Sambazon is one of the best Acai Berry drink manufacturers. All of the ingredients are organic, and they use sustainable methods when farming the berries, working with the local people to preserve the Amazon rainforest. They are picked when they are at their freshest and most flavorsome.

Below we feature three of the ‘Amazon Energy’ drinks which include a diet version and a ‘Jungle Love’ version. These acai energy drinks will really boost your immune system and leave you feeling more energetic. Read about acai health benefits.

Sambazon acai drinks may be available at your local store. If you find them difficult to obtain, you can purchase them below, safely and securely.

Amazon Energy Acai Berry Drink

Amazon Energy Acai Drink

From deep within the Amazon rainforest, this organic drink uses the freshest acai berries. In addition, acerola berries are added. If you’re not familiar with this berry, it’s red, about the size of a grape and contains more than 10 times the amount of vitamin c when compared to an orange. Also found across South America and added to the drink are guarana and yerba mate. Guarana is another berry thought to lessen your appetite, and yerba mate is a leaf used for making tea.

Amazon Energy Diet Drink

Amazon Energy Diet Drink

In addition to containing acai berries, this diet drink also has stevia added. What is stevia? Whereas most diet drinks contain artificial sweeteners, stevia is used to provide the sweetness. It’s a natural herb, which is very sweet, and found in countries across South America. It’s thought to be good for weight loss, for regulating blood sugar imbalances and is also thought to be an acceptable treatment if you are a type 2 diabetic. This drink is packed with vitamin C and contains 80mg of natural caffeine.

Amazon Energy Jungle Love Drink

Amazon Energy Jungle Love

Introducing….Amazon Energy Jungle Love™ -- it’s time to get your groove on. This acai berry drink is similar to the ‘Amazon Energy’ containing acai berries, guarana and yerba mate, but it also contains a special ‘Jungle Love’ mix of natural South American herbs containing maca, catuana, damiana and passion flower. This drink is packed with vitamin c and contains 80mg of natural caffeine.

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