Acai Smoothie
Organic Wild Harvested Acai

You will not find a fresher acai smoothie than this product. If you would like organic wild harvested acai delivered to your front door, then this could be the product for you. If you have not come across Sambazon, then they are probably the best harvester and manufacturer of organic acai berries and their products. All of the Sambazon acai products are certified organic, with the acai berries harvested at their optimum freshness. They only use sustainable farming methods, ensuring their farmers are paid more farming acai berries than they would if they were instead clearing the Amazon rainforest. The acai berry is packed with antioxidant goodness, in fact 10 times more antioxidants than red grapes. They provide an excellent source of B vitamins and fiber. Read more about health benefits of acai berry.

The smoothies are delivered to you frozen. If you’re wondering why, well the acai is mostly seed, and only the thin outer layer is edible. The fruit goes off very quickly and therefore does not ship well; hence most products sold are either in drink or frozen puree form.

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