Calories in Almond Butter, Almond Butter Nutrition

How many calories in Almond Butter? See below, the Almond Butter calories for the different serving sizes. We provide you with the Almond Butter nutrition facts and the health benefits of Almond Butter to help you to lose weight and eat a healthy diet.

As with the peanut variety there is no butter, it’s the sweet Almond mashed down into a smooth paste. When purchasing check the contents to see whether hydrogenated vegetable oils have been added. If this unhealthy oil has been added, then select another product.

Almonds are very high in monounsaturated fats (these are good fats), and provide an excellent source of fiber and other nutrients, including vitamin E, calcium, protein, zinc, magnesium and iron. Studies have shown that Almonds can lower the level of cholesterol in your body and are thought to inhibit cancer. Other Almond Butter benefits include protection against cardiovascular disease. Almonds should definitely be considered as part of your weight loss program.

Not as widely available as Peanut Butter, Almond Butter is worth seeking out, although it's probably more expensive.

It is thought that if you eat a portion of nuts (30 grams) about twice a week, that you are less likely to gain weight than those who do not eat nuts, according to the international journal, "Obesity".

Below are two calorie tables for Almond Butter, one with salt and the other without. You'll notice that salt does not add any calories, however, the salted product may make you more thirsty. Our calorie information is sourced from the US Department of Agriculture.

See our nuts calories comparison chart to compare the Almond Butter calories with the other calories in nuts.

Calories in Almond Butter

Nuts, almond butter, plain, with salt added

Refuse: 0%

Serving Size

Calories per Serving

100 grams614 kcal (2568 kJ)
1 cup, 250 grams1535 kcal (6420 kJ)
1 tbsp, 16 grams98 kcal (411 kJ)

Calories in almond butter, plain, without salt added

Refuse: 0%

Serving Size

Calories per Serving

100 grams614 kcal (2568 kJ)
1 cup, 250 grams1535 kcal (6420 kJ)
1 tbsp, 16 grams98 kcal (411 kJ)

Source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference

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