Calories in Haddock, Haddock Nutrition Facts

How many calories in Haddock? See below, the Haddock calories for the different serving sizes. We provide you with Haddock nutrition facts and the health benefits of Haddock to help you lose weight and eat a healthy diet.

Haddock comes from the same family as Cod. This fish has a lovely white flaky flesh when cooked. Haddock provides a great source of nutrients; vitamins B1-B3, B5, B6, B12, D, phosphorus, selenium as well as other vitamins and minerals. They are very low in fat and full of protein.

The Haddock nutrition facts table is provided at the foot of this page. The data is from the US Department of Agriculture, but missing from their data is Iodine. Haddock contains four times our recommended daily intake of Iodine. Our body does not make iodine, so it's essential we get it from foods as it helps to keep the thyroid gland working properly. The thyroid controls our metabolism.

Haddock also contains omega 3 and is therefore thought to help lower cholesterol. Other Haddock benefits are thought to include added protection against both heart disease and some types of cancer.

Compare the calories in Haddock with the other calories in fish.

Calories in Haddock, Haddock Nutrition Facts

Calories in Haddock, Raw

Refuse: 0%
Scientific Name: Melanogrammus aeglefinus (L.)
Serving SizeCalories per Serving
100 grams74 kcal (309 kJ)
1 fillet, 193 grams143 kcal (596 kJ)
3 oz, 85 grams63 kcal (263 kJ)

Fish, Haddock, Cooked, Dry Heat

Refuse: 0%
Serving SizeCalories per Serving
100 grams90 kcal (378 kJ)
1 fillet, 150 grams135 kcal (567 kJ)
3 oz, 85 grams76 kcal (321 kJ)

Fish, Haddock, Smoked

Refuse: 0%
Serving SizeCalories per Serving
100 grams116 kcal (485 kJ)
1 oz, boneless, 28.35 grams33 kcal (137 kJ)
1 cubic inch, boneless, 17 grams20 kcal (82 kJ)
3 oz, 85 grams99 kcal (412 kJ)

Haddock Nutritional Information

Haddock, Cooked, Dry Heat
Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)
Water79.65 g
Energy378 kJ (90 kcal)
Protein19.99 g
Carbohydrates0.0 g
Total Fat:0.55 g
saturated fat0.111 g
monounsaturated fat0.074 g
polyunsaturated fat0.204 g
Cholesterol66 mg
Calcium, Ca14 mg (1.4 %)
Iron, Fe0.21 mg (1 %)
Magnesium, Mg26 mg (7 %)
Phosphorus, P278 mg (28 %)
Potassium, K351 mg (7 %)
Sodium, Na261 mg (11 %)
Zinc, Zn0.40 mg (3 %)
Copper, Cu0.026 mg (1.3 %)
Manganese, Mn0.013 mg (1 %)
Selenium, Se31.7 mcg (45 %)
Thiamine (Vit. B1)0.023 mg (1.5 %)
Riboflavin (Vit. B2)0.069 mg (4 %)
Niacin (Vit. B3)4.119 mg (21 %)
Pantothenic acid (B5)0.494 mg (5 %)
Vitamin B60.327 mg (16 %)
Folate (Vit. B9)13 mcg (3 %)
Vitamin B122.13 mcg (36 %)
Vitamin A62 IU (1 %)
Vitamin E0.55 mg (3 %)
Vitamin D23 IU (6 %)
Percentages are relative to US Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) for adults.
Source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference

Author: Lana Soko

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