Mulberry Calories

How many calories in a Mulberry? See below, the Mulberry calories for the different serving sizes. We provide you with Mulberry nutrition facts and the health benefits of Mulberry to help you to lose weight and eat a healthy diet.

The Mulberry is a deciduous tree taking several years before it starts generating fruit. A certain designer brand is probably more well-known than the fruit, who use the Mulberry tree as its logo. The fruit can vary in color dependent on the variety of tree; white, dark purple, black and red are the most popular. Mulberries are generally used in jam, wine, even skin creams and some medicinal uses.

They are rich in Vitamin A, potassium, phosphorous and calcium, they are also full of antioxidants. Mulberries are thought to be good for the skin. Other Mulberry benefits are thought to include improved cardiovascular health and renal health.

Below we have a single calorie table for when this fruit is raw. See our fruit calories comparison chart to compare the calories in Mulberries with the other calories in fruit.

Read about Mulberry Nutrition. Also, have a look how nutritious Mulberries are in comparison to the other fruit nutrition facts.

All of our calorie information is provided by the US Department of Agriculture.

Calories in Mulberries

Mulberries, raw

Refuse: 31% (Seeds, skin and core)
Scientific Name: Annona cherimola

Serving Size

Calories per Serving

100 grams75 kcal (313 kJ)
1 fruit without skin and seeds, 235 grams176 kcal (736 kJ)
1 cup, pieces, 160 grams120 kcal (501 kJ)
Source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference

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